Posted: August 25th, 2013

Blood Spatter/Crime Scene

When there is a violent crime, the probability of finding blood spatter is extremely high. If the blood is still in a liquid form, there is a specific way to collect this blood. If the blood is dried or moist, there is a another specific method to collect that sample.
Assignment Guidelines
?Address the following in 1,000?1,250 words:
?Explain the similarities and differences between liquid-blood collection and dried/moist-blood collection.
?What protective health measures must taken? Why?
?What techniques and processes must be followed? Explain.
?How might evidence contamination occur? Explain.
?How do forensic scientists collect data from the samples? Explain.
?How would you package the samples? Explain.
?What information would you have to supply in the documentation of blood evidence? Be specific, and explain why.

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