Posted: December 2nd, 2014



Project description
1 Introduction

A sensor (also called detector) is a converter that measures a physical quantity and
converts it into a signal which can be read by an observer or by an electronic instrument.
With sensors, a smart home can provide people with a comfortable, safe, power-saving
and convenient life by enabling intercommunication amongst all household appliances.
This includes lights, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning), TVs,
computers, entertainment system, and security system. They can be controlled by a
smart home control panel installed in house or through GSM/CDMA, Internet, and
PSTN networks. Smart home systems are also called home automation, electronic
home/e-home, or intelligent home. This group course work is to generate a development
report on the design of the sensor system that could be used for smart home,
energy/environmental friendly, with assistive technology. A group report can be
submitted but with a front cover page stating each persons task and responsibility in this
group work, plus one page per person to describe the own contributions, results,
achievements and experience learnt.

2 Aim

The aim of this course work is to develop a novel sensing system that could be produced
by our company Blue Sky Sensors, Inc. over the next 5 years and have application in
one of the following industries: 1) smart houses, 2) energy/environmental, 3) assistive
technology, or 4) agriculture/food industry.(Up to the Writer)

3 Report

Write a report in which you:
o demonstrate the need in the specific aspect of the market that you
choose to address for the system you are designing (i.e. provide
motivation for what you are designing, also provide a sense of the
market that your product would be addressing)
o demonstrate where your design fits within the current systems
available (i.e. provide some context regarding existing systems)
o describe your sensing system (i.e. describe what sensors you are
using and why, support this as strongly as possible (should be
more than just literature survey), how this system is able toachieve the stated objective).
o compare your proposed system to existing systems and what
advantages and limitations that your novel system might have in
comparison to existing solutions (i.e. again these should be
strongly supported).
o provide an idea of cost of production, installation into the market
and therefore what the price point of the system might be. Again
compare to prices of competitive solutions.
4 Report Requirement
The report should be well written and well presented
o Very few typos/spelling/grammatical errors
o Use proper figure labels and captions
o Cite literature used as basis of report
o Present your findings in a logical and intelligent way
The report should touch on the various aspects listed above.
The report shouldcontain 1015 pages ofthe main body ofthe report
containing no more than 6 figures. This page limit does not include title
sheet, table of contents, references or appendices. Additional figures may
be presented in Appendices. Please use Times New Roman, 12 pt. when
preparing report, and use 1.5 line spacing.
A group report can be submitted but with a front cover page stating
each persons task and responsibility in this group work, plus one
page per person to describe the own contributions, results,
achievements and experience learn.


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