Posted: February 18th, 2015

book analysis

book analysis

Order Description

“Where We Once Belonged” by Sia Figiel ISBN:1-885030-27-4, Kaya Press edition 1999.Write a 5 pages (double-spaced, 12-point font) analytical paper. You may choose between a comparative study of three authors, and an analysis of Sia Figiel’s novel, to reflect on the prompt given.
Explain this title, focusing on the second half of the book, and especially Siniva’s character. Think specifically about her role in Alofa’s education, and how her mediation influences Alofa’s sense of belonging. Make sure you address questions of identity and belonging in terms of gender, race, class, and transnational relationships.
Remember to tie your arguments with specific evidence found in the text. Ideally, for this paper, you may choose 2 or 3 quotes or passages that are best representing your argument. Make sure you describe the passage or quote in depth, using our what(like what happened or what the meaning of narrator)>how>why framework. Pick a quote that is really striking or powerful – your argument will be all the more convincing and worth of interest.
You also need to use one scholarly article to inform your arguments. Don’t forget to cite it properly within your essay and in a Works Cited section.
Follow MLA guidelines to format your paper and citations:
1.MLA formatting – including works cited-Excellent – No errors in MLA formatting
2.Grammar and style–Correct and elegant
3.Introduction / thesis statement–Begins with a hook. Introduces the author and title fluidly. Thesis statement is clear, thoughtful
4.Organization and argument–Essay organized to support the thesis and remains focused with insightful discussion. Topic sentences are clear and connected to the thesis. Transitions provide a natural flow to the essay. Paragraphs contain concrete details from the the story that support the thesis.
5. Conclusion–Wraps up the essay by referencing the thesis, reviewing the main points briefly, and leaving the reader thinking. The conclusion is creative and/or thoughtful.
6.Use of a scholarly article–All sources cited and perfectly MLA formatted. Article comes from an academic source and is well suited for the topic

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