Posted: September 13th, 2017

BOOK NEEDED: Portable Literature Kirszner & Mandell 8th edition

BOOK NEEDED: Portable Literature Kirszner & Mandell 8th edition

PLEASE READ: Read all the poems of Langston Hughes. There are four. Use your index of authors and titles to get page numbers.

ESSAY TOPIC: TAKEN together, how do the poems of Langston Hughes provide a critique of relations between blacks and whites in America? Explain in detail; use quotes from the poem to support your position

FORMAT: at least 5 paragraphs, all of which are approximately the same length; have a clear and specific thesis statement within a fully developed introduction; have specific and relevant details which demonstrate and prove the thesis statement; an absence of grammar and sentence errors (proofreading/editing is a MUST–no exceptions); correct format (MLA–see page entitled MLA Format). It should also be noted that you will often need to quote from text to support your assertions or examples. I will be expecting to see a minimum of 3 quotes in each essay.
All essays must be in MLA (Modern Language Association) format, which includes a complete heading (last name and first name, course and section number, instructor’s name and the date) on the top left side of the first page only, a centered title (no underline, bold or quotes), correct spacing (double-space everything), size 14 (not 12) Times New Roman font and a header on each page (last name and page number in the upper right corner). Include a word count at the end of your document

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