Posted: September 14th, 2017

Book Review of: Subtractive Schooling: U.S.-Mexican Youth and the Politics of Caring Custom Essay

Book review of: Valenzuela, Angela. 1999. Subtractive Schooling: U.S.-Mexican Youth and the Politics of
Caring. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press
ISBN 0-7914-4321-3

Book content, author’s approach, purpose for study and conclusion

* Review highlights and discusses three main points the author is trying to convey in her book. Discusses

author’s approach to subject, explains the purpose of study, and conclusions thoroughly and coherently.

Context of the field

* Review clearly, demonstrates how the book is located in the context of education and Ethnic Studies.

Analysis of book’s strengths and weaknesses

* Review critically demonstrates the book’s strengths and weaknesses with compelling and clear examples from the

text, including many quotes

Accessible writing/style of writing of review

* The writing is generally accessible to a generalist audience of educator, is written in a clear style, and

follows APA citation format

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