Posted: June 23rd, 2015

Book Review on David Clay Large’s “Nazi Games: The Olympics of 1936” ? Provide a brief overview of the book. ? Identify the thesis of the book; what are the central ideas? ? Explore issues raised by the book. ? Respond to the author/director?s opinions as presented ? Were your prior ideas changed because of the book? ? Conclude with a personal critique and judgment of the quality, value and contribution of the book. A book review is more than a summary; it is a commentary that evaluates the work for authenticity, contribution to knowledge, or even as entertainment. You may note the content of a book, but extensive quotation is not necessary.

Book Review on David Clay Large’s “Nazi Games: The Olympics of 1936”

? Provide a brief overview of the book.
? Identify the thesis of the book; what are the central ideas?
? Explore issues raised by the book.
? Respond to the author/director?s opinions as presented
? Were your prior ideas changed because of the book?
? Conclude with a personal critique and judgment of the quality, value and contribution of the book.

A book review is more than a summary; it is a commentary that evaluates the work for authenticity, contribution to knowledge, or even as entertainment. You may note the content of a book, but extensive quotation is not necessary.

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