Posted: September 16th, 2017

book review on the book titled:To the End of June: The Intimate Life of American Foster Care

book review on the book titled:To the End of June: The Intimate Life of American Foster Care

Order Description

CHAD 520 Mid-Term Book Review Instructions on To the End of June: The Intimate Life of American Foster Care, included in the NY Times 100 notable books of 2013, offers

a thorough, compelling and gripping view of the experiences of foster care in America. Cris Beamtakes the readers on a journey into the lives of those affected, while

presenting statistics and research to support her narrative.
You are required to write a critical book review from the perspective of a child maltreatment professional for your mid-term paper. A book review provides a brief

summary of the main concepts of the text and then offers a critical reaction to the information provided. It is NOT a book report, you are not being asked to summarize

the book in its entirety.
Your paper should be three to five pages in length, double spaced, using Times New Roman Font (size 12).The majority of the paper should be your critical review and

analysis as opposed to the summary. Consider the following requirements/grading rubric when writing your paper:
Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Unacceptable
4 3 2 1 0
Provide a summary of the text, noting the overall theme and viewpoint presented. Please remember to be as creative as possible when describing the book. Although this

is a paper for an academic course, write it as if you would be submitting it to a literary magazine. Comments:

Provide an analysis of the information provided from your experiences as a child maltreatment professional. Select a few points to discuss and include whether you

agree or disagree with the concepts. Please include one or two academic sources in this section to support your argument. Comments:

Select one or two characters and summarize their history and experiences as presented in the text. Comments:

Provide your overall personal reflection/reaction to the text from a perspective of a child maltreatment professional. You may consider the following questions: Did

the book resonate with you? Did it upset you? If so, why? Was it an accurate representation of the population you work with? Conclude with a brief summary and whether

or not you would recommend this book to your colleagues. Comments:

Writing style, readability, grammar, and spelling APA style utilized, references included Comments:

TOTAL GRADE ____ out of 20


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