Posted: November 21st, 2014

Brand Management ,Some of the major brands supply products to be used for private labels in addition to their own products. This approach is often labelled as “if you can’t beat them, join them” strategy. This strategy, however, is heavily criticize

Brand Management ,Some of the major brands supply products to be used for private labels in addition to their own products. This approach is often labelled as “if you

can’t beat them, join them” strategy. This strategy, however, is heavily criticize

Project description
1)General Format
1500 words in length. There will not be a reduction in marks for work which is up to 10% over or below the word limit. However, if your work is more than 10% over or

below the word limit, a 25% reduction will apply. Word limits apply to the main body of the text only (i.e., text, footnotes and diagrams). Please note that appendices

and references do not count in word limit, but contribution of the appendices to the report should be integrated within the main text.
2.54 cm margins all around,
Font size of 11 or 12
Referencing To cite books, articles and other sources, use Harvard Referencing System.
Use of Supplementary Materials
Supplementary materials (e.g., tables, figures, screenshots) that are not presented in the main report can be put in appendices.
2) How to Write Your Report
Your report is expected to clearly demonstrate that you understood the reasoning behind the different viewpoints presented in the topics, and the relevant marketing

concepts. Examine why a certain group of experts advocate the marketing strategy/tactic mentioned in the options. Critically examine experts reasoning and think about

the point(s) you agree/disagree about. Investigate whether different conditions (macro or microenvironment, industry, product group etc.) can influence whether a

specified marketing strategy/tactic will hold. After you thoroughly understand the relevant concepts and the underlying logic behind experts views, you can pick a side

on the debate or try to reconcile the different views.
In addition, your position (i.e., picking a side or reconciling the views) should be clear. The arguments for your position should be well-developed and derived from

real life cases and/or theory in a logical way. In other words, you will need to gather information to support your argument from a variety of sources such as

textbooks, articles and the Internet (Tip. remember the recommended and supplementary materials I suggested in the beginning of the module). Obviously, more cases and

sources will make your report richer. However, the mere quantity of cases/articles is a weak indicator of richness of your report. The relevance of the cases/sources

to your paper and depth of analysis/understanding of the cases/sources are more important. For these reasons, I do not specify an exact number for minimum or maximum

number of cases/sources that you have to include in your report, but you can expect to refer to 4-6 cases and 5-10 citations to be able to support your arguments

Finally, your report should have a coherent structure and clearly show your viewpoint on the discussion. Try to be concise and try to focus on the core points to your

discussion (i.e., dont dwell on minor issues and avoid repeating yourself over and over). Make sure your paragraphs flow logically and smoothly. Redraft and proofread

your report to ensure a coherent structure.
3)Harvard System of Referencing: Basic Concepts
This Guide is designed to help you start using the Harvard System of Referencing. It introduces the concepts of referencing and
provides some basic examples. For more detailed information, please see the Library website for our comprehensive Harvard
System of Referencing Guide
You must show clearly where you have used someone elses work in your assignments e.g. when you quote or paraphrase
someone elses work. The Harvard Referencing System is designed to help you do this.
Harvard referencing consists of two elements. You will need to include both of these in your academic work. These two elements
are in-text citations and detailed references. Both of these elements together are known as referencing.
In-text citations:
Each time you refer to someone elses work in your assignment, you need to include the authors name and the date of their work
within your text at the point where you discuss their ideas. This is called citing the authors work.
e.g. the following sentence could be used in your essay where you refer to ideas detailed in a book by Lori Garrett…..
It has been suggested that classical music can help to create a calm study environment in which students can focus on their work (Garrett, 2011)
There are several different ways that you can cite an information source within the text of your essay. See our full guide for more
Full bibliographic details for each work you have used, or cited, are given in the reference list at end of your assignment. The
reference list enables your lecturer to understand what information you have cited and to help them find the original work if they
wish to. The reference list contains details of all the things you have cited in your piece of work arranged alphabetically by author.
e.g. the full reference for our example above would look like this
Garrett, L. K., 2011 Skills for nursing and healthcare students. Harlow: Pearson Education
A section of your essay could look like this ….
While stakeholder theory has its origins in the commercial world, it has been used in and transferred into a socio-political context and in the public
sector (Adam, 2003). Based on stakeholder theory Adams originally proposed a definition those who can affect or are affected by the achievements
of the firms objectives (1984 p.24). According to Brown, White and Redding (1984) a definition of stakeholders can be very broad and could include,
in the commercial setting, competitors, media and environmental activists.
Your reference list would look like this….
Adam, D.J., 1984. Stakeholder analysis. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Adam, D.J., 2003. Stakeholder analysis today. Royal Journal of Management, 42(7), pp.34-66.
Brown, G., White, G. and Redding. G., 1984. Modern management. [e-book] London: Redfern Press. Available through: Anglia Ruskin University
Library <> [Accessed 9 July 2011].
What needs to be referenced?
You do not need to include a citation and reference for facts and ideas that are considered common knowledge e.g. that Paris is
the capital of France.
You do need to include a citation and reference for anything that you quote, summarize, or paraphrase or on any other occasion
where you use another persons work within your writing. You also need to include a citation and reference for definitions, tables,
images and statistics that are not entirely your own work.
Please see the Online Study Skills Guide from Student Services which are designed to help you with academic writing skills.
What information should a reference contain?
The information that you need to include in each reference is determined by the type of source you are using e.g. if it is a book,
journal, newspaper, website etc. This will allow anyone reading your work to find the original material if they want to.
The table on the next page will guide you through the information you need to include in references for some commonly used
Further Help:
Our Information Skills Guides (PILOT) will help you decide what you need to reference and why and help you identify the
information you need to create a reference.


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