Posted: September 13th, 2017

Brenneman’s leadership

1.explain how Brenneman’s leadership actions addressed each quadrant of the Competing Values Framework, and each primary practice of the 4+2 formula. Secondly, explain

2.explain the ways in which Brenneman’s leadership demonstrated the 5 key leadership practices identified by Kouzes and Posner. Secondly explain the obstacles to mastering cognitive and behavioural complexity (as discussed in Quinn et al) which might have prevented previous CEOs from doing what Brenneman did.

3. Jack Ma says that “making money is simple; but making sustainable money – improving the world and meanwhile making money – is very difficult”. Firstly, explain the similarities between what Jack says about sustainability and purpose and what Indra Nooyi says about sustainability and purpose. Secondly, explain what Jack Ma is doing with TaoBao that could be described as making sustainable money; and explain what Indra Nooyi is doing with PepsiCo that could be described as making sustainable money.

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