Posted: May 8th, 2014

Brief paper on Dr. Melvin Tuggle,s book "Why We Can't Wait" and include a discussion of wether the book is still relevant in the 21st Century

1.write a brief paper on Dr. Melvin Tuggle,s book “Why We Can’t Wait” and include a discussion of wether the book is still relevant in the 21st Century. A paper should no less than 2 double -spaced pages and no more than three. Also, must give it a title that is consistent with the content of the paper.
Philosophy writing Rubric.1. Clear introduction.
2 .thesis statement
3. Body paragraph
4. Appropriate focus
5. In depth coverage Topic
6. Thesis clearly supported
7. Crammer
8. Spelling
9. Capitalization
10. Sentence structure
11. Punctuation
12. Appropriate page length
13. Title page
15. Margins
16.appropriate style. MLA.
Source -3
Book only one :which is Melvin Tuggle’s Book.

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