Posted: September 13th, 2017


Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements


THE TOPIC IS: What is the place in breast cancer treatment for Kadcyla, and is this currently available to NHS patients?

You are a Medicines Information Pharmacist at Bigtown Royal Infirmary. You are asked to prepare an information bulletin for prescribers in Primary and/or Secondary Care on the topic assigned to you in the first workshop.

This assignment must be presented professionally and consist of two single-sided pages of A4. The style should match NHS bulletins, but obviously yours will be much shorter and contain fewer references.

• Font & size. Do not save space by using an unacceptably small font that cannot be easily read. Arial 12 is used in this coursebook. We find that fonts such as Times New Roman are not as easy to read or as pleasing on the eye as Arial and other sans serif fonts.
• Be clear and concise in order to fit your material into the allowed space.
• Do not get assignments out of perspective; you need to do more than look in the BNF but this should not take weeks to prepare.

• There is no right and wrong way to select material. Try to differentiate between "must include" and "would like to include". Do not spend half your space reviewing the pharmacology of drug A if your question asks for something else such as whether A is better than B.

• Review your subject in the BNF and basic references. Basic therapeutics textbooks like "Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics" or similar texts may help. There are often good reviews published by the NHS or professional bodies.
• Look at the marking guidance. The TPs are not trying to catch you out; they are looking for good coverage of the key points with a clear message and consideration of any controversial points.

please see uploaded files for good and bad examples of bullitin

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