Posted: September 16th, 2017

Business Analysis

Order Description
Assessment brief
Apply the Viable Systems Model, to examine a system / organisation of your choice. This can be from a health check approach or a Business Process Improvement approach. Clearly identify the strengths and weaknesses of the VSM approach.
Marking Scheme
Marks are awarded in relation the following marking criteria. Marks are graded using the following classifications. Poor, average, above average or excellent.
Marking Scheme Available marks Allocated mark
History of the company and climate
Succinct overview of industry / company position 5
Cybernetic theory
Origins of work and cybernetic theory. 5
VSM theory
Demonstrate understanding of Variety, complexity, homeostasis, Ashby, attenuation amplification, systems 1-5 +3*, Channels, meta system, supply chain, 25
VSM application
Linkage to organisational setting, for each of the above 25
Additional concepts
ZLL, SLL,DLL feedback theory, systems principles, business monitoring 15
IS / IT within the VSM and organisation 10
Conclusions and recommendations including strengths and weaknesses of the approach 10
Report Format.
Appropriate format, use of headings, sub headings, diagrams, tables and general presentation of the report 5

To understand the role of business analysis (including business and technology perspectives) in the design and improvement of Information Systems (IS), and to develop an understanding of systems thinking and systems methodologies and their role in business analysis. Also, to develop skills in the application of a systemic multi- perspective approach to business analysis and to understand the principles of change and project management in relation to IS improvement. Finally, to appreciate the focus of current research and current issues and their relation to professional

Learning Outcomes
After completing the module the student should be able to:
1. 1 Relate the underlying principles of the primary ‘systems methodologies’ to business analysis.
2. 2 Apply one or more systemic methodologies to business analysis.
3. 3 Apply tools for process mapping, modelling and redesign.
4. 4 Use the results of business analysis to make a case for IS improvement.
5. 5 Develop a strategy for re-engineering business processes and supporting IS.
6. 6 Incorporate the principles of change and project management in IS improvement.
Systems Research and Behavioral Science?Syst.Res.26, 3^14(2009)?Published online 27 November 2008 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI:10.1002/sres.943
& Research Paper
Supporting Crime Detection and Operational Planning with Soft Systems Methodology and Viable Systems Model
Peter Kinloch*, Hulya Francis, Michael Francis and Mark Taylor
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, James Parsons Building, Byrom Street, Liverpool, L3 AF, UK


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