Posted: September 13th, 2017

business analysis for decision making/ Quantitative Methods

business analysis for decision making/ Quantitative Methods

Project description
This is not due until June 15 BY 5 A.M. !! when completing assignments as well as completing the course final, all answers must include thorough interpretation ; not sufficient to just arrive at answers and/or give vague responses.

Therefore, the expectations are :

Correct answers.
1. Mathematical evidence using Excel functions or manual equations, when I click on your answer(s); not acceptable to use a calculator or other device and display the results on the worksheet), and/or if applicable, a specific utility pasted to the respective scenario tab to serve as the mathematical evidence.
2.Interpretation explaining what your answer represents, which must be thorough so sound managerial decision, can be made from your explanation, which should not have to require any additional solicitation for information.

Unit 4: Hypothesis Testing
Improving the Kahana
Single Population Means
The Restaurant Revenue Problem
Hypothesis Tests for Single Population Means
One-sided Hypothesis Tests
Excel Utility (Single Populations)
Solving the Restaurant Revenue Problem
Exercise 1: Oma’s Pretzels
Exercise 2: The Clearwater Power Company
Exercise 3: Neshey’s Smooches
Single Population Proportions
The Restaurant Ambiance Problem
Hypothesis Tests for Single Population Proportions
Solving the Restaurant Ambiance Problem
Exercise 1: The Ventura Insurance Company
Leo Demands a Deeper Understanding
Solving the Restaurant Revenue Problem (Part II)
Exercise 1: Oma’s Revisited
Exercise 2: Neshey’s Revisited
Comparing Two Populations
Leisure Guests vs. Business Guests: Who spends more?
Using Hypothesis Tests to Compare Two Population Means
Hypothesis Tests for Two Population Proportions
Optional Example
Excel Utility (Two Populations)
Solving the Leisure vs. Business Guest Spending Problem
Exercise 1: The Burger Baron
Exercise 2: Karnivorous Kong vs. Peter the Pipsqueak
Exercise 3: Grapefruit Bizarre
Challenge: LeMer Fashion Design

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