Posted: September 16th, 2017

business communication We are working for an orphanage (NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION) our Event is a Fun-Fare for the children in the orphanage. The collected money will be served for the orphanage" For this event, we will organize games, and different activities for children, magic show, music concert, puppet show etc. The collected money will be given in charity to the organization. design the brochure (Google it for attractive designs and samples you will have an idea how to design a good brochure). Name the organization, for example Sunshine Orphanage (it is an orphanage and provides a sunshine to homeless children) so i think this would be a good one. Or if you have anything else in mind that suits the theme, you can use that.

business communication

We are working for an orphanage (NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION) our Event is a Fun-Fare for the children in the orphanage. The collected money will be served for the orphanage”
For this event, we will organize games, and different activities for children, magic show, music concert, puppet show etc. The collected money will be given in charity to the organization.

design the brochure (Google it for attractive designs and samples you will have an idea how to design a good brochure). Name the organization, for example Sunshine Orphanage (it is an orphanage and provides a sunshine to homeless children) so i think this would be a good one. Or if you have anything else in mind that suits the theme, you can use that.

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