Posted: November 27th, 2014

Business Environment;

Business Environment;


Question: Restate the question you are answering.

I.    Introduction
A.    Attention sentence (How will you convince the reader of the importance of your topic?)
B.    Thesis: The “big” idea stated in a single sentence.  It is acceptable to have the thesis as the leading sentence in short 3 to 5 page papers.
Major points supporting the thesis (Write a sentence that introduces the major points of evidence that support your thesis.)

II.     Point # 1 Topic Sentence
A.    Supporting evidence/point written in a complete sentence.
B.    Supporting evidence

III.    Point #2 Topic Sentence
A.    Supporting evidence
B.    Supporting evidence

IV. Point #3 Topic Sentence
A.    Supporting evidence
B.    Supporting evidence

V. Conclusion—restate the thesis and revisit your main points. This is where you mention why your argument is important for the future.

(The thesis determines the number of supporting points. Generally, a three- to five-page paper should have three to five points.)

Guidance for the sentence outline:
Restate the question you are answering.
Use complete sentences (subject, verb, complement) that communicate full thoughts.
Each sentence in the outline should contain one major point of your paper.
Each sentence will become the “topic sentence” of the paragraph and usually appears as the first sentence of a paragraph when you expand the outline into your paper.
Organize the sentences to construct a coherent argument leading to your paper’s conclusion.

An example of a sentence outline follows on the next page.

I.    Introduction
A.  Attention-step: Failing to properly cite sources is an example of poor scholarship.
B.  Thesis: Footnotes and endnotes serve a variety of useful roles in academic writing.
C.  Major Points: By properly citing sources you give credit to the author, amplify and expand on important material in the text, and add credibility to your argument.

II.    Major Point A
When building an academic argument, you should give proper credit to the sources you have used in gathering the ideas and facts you use to build your arguments.
1.    Very little academic writing is based on completely original ideas.
2.    Citation, in the form of footnotes and endnotes (and bibliographies, in the case of longer work), gives appropriate credit to the hard work of scholars who researched and wrote the sources you have used for your paper.

III.    Major Point B
Footnotes and endnotes enable the writer to expand on important material.
1.    Some readers will not want the detail provided in footnotes; amplifying footnotes may be skimmed or even skipped while keeping the narrative flow intact.
2.    For those readers who want more context, the amplifying footnote offers important background.
3.    Amplifying footnotes may also suggest other sources the reader may want to consult in order to obtain a deeper background in the topic.

IV.    Major Point C
Finally, citing respected sources adds important credibility and strength to your argument.
1.    Appropriate citation suggests the depth, breadth, and quality of your research.
2.    When you cite credible sources, you demonstrate the quality of your judgment in separating good sources from those that are less worthwhile.
3.    They also allow the reader to examine where the writer found the information, and check to see if the reader agrees with the writer’s interpretation of the information.

V.    Conclusion: (Restate thesis and main points) Appropriate academic citation serves a number of valuable roles in academic writing including giving proper credit to the sources used, allowing the author to expand on material without interrupting the narrative flow, and adding credibility and strength to the argument. (Explain why your argument is still pertinent today.)  In today’s age of instant online information, proper citation is even more important as anyone with a webpage has implied credibility, and just because something is on the internet does not make it inherently true.


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