Posted: September 13th, 2017

Business Innovation

Business Innovation

Order Description

The ability to argue and present a business case is a key function of business

Apply the first 2 stages of the business case template as a participating member

of a team whose mission is to make the case for sustainable innovation.
The focus of your team’s business case is a primary industry firm or company in

Australia or elsewhere.

Part 1 of the business case sets the foundation or argument in favour of a

sustainable innovation.

Guidance with stage 1 (define the problem or need) and stage 2 (benefits and

significance arising from innovation) is to take place during in-class

discussion and workshop sessions.

Teams are to incorporate the principles of a personal sustainability project.
Content from Tidd & Bessant (2013) explains how innovation encompasses

rationale, detail, situational or contextual data to progress from idea

generation to commercialisation.
The personal sustainability component encompasses individual action steps that

are (i) repeatable, (ii) inspirational, (iii) sustainable, and (iv) enjoyable


Initial ideas expressed in class, will typically start with individuals (idea

generation), but the involvement of others (the team) is also needed to realise

the sustainable innovation, the business model, the measures (quantitative data

& mathematical models), as well as shared insight and critical thinking

(qualitative data).The business model generator (worksheet) is one critical

component from which to identify approaches to value creation, key internal and

relational resources, tasks and processes, and value appropriation.
As part of the business model generation process, teams are also required to

select and operationalise mathematical models (see Moodle).
Mathematical models are necessary to test and validate measures that are

integral to submission of parts A & B of the business case.

Mathematical modelling used in the business case must be justified or

substantiated.Part B of the business case involves teams incorporating stages 3

-5 of the template to finalise the written component for submission to key or

principal stakeholders.
Teams are required to demonstrate both scholarly independence and academic

integrity in undertaking stage 3 (strategic assessment of the sustainable

innovation), stage 4 (coordination of project options), and stage 5 (recommended

Further clarification during in-class discussion will depend on the extent to

which teams specify difficulty with conceptual or theoretical content.
Responsibility for structuring, co-ordination, and managing processes to

finalise the business case lies with each team.

Teams are encouraged to work with content beyond Tidd & Bessant (2013) and

Ostervalder & Pigneur (2013).
The use of refereed journal articles, mathematical models (Wolfram alpha), and

business development issues specific to the problem or need expressed in Part 1

must be resolved and confirm the range of stated benefits.

MGMT20128: Innovation and Business Development:

Assessment-A: Business Case-A 🙁 30 Marks; Words: 1500-2000):

The ability to argue and present a business case is a key function of business

Apply the first 2 stages of the business case template as a participating member

of a team whose mission is to make the case for sustainable innovation.
The focus of your team’s business case is a primary industry firm or company in

Australia or elsewhere.
Part 1 of the business case sets the foundation or argument in favour of a

sustainable innovation.
Guidance with stage 1 (define the problem or need) and stage 2 (benefits and

significance arising from innovation) is to take place during in-class

discussion and workshop sessions.
Teams are to incorporate the principles of a personal sustainability project.
Content from Tidd & Bessant (2013) explains how innovation encompasses

rationale, detail, situational or contextual data to progress from idea

generation to commercialisation.
The personal sustainability component encompasses individual action steps that

are (i) repeatable, (ii) inspirational, (iii) sustainable, and (iv) enjoyable

Initial ideas expressed in class, will typically start with individuals (idea

generation), but the involvement of others (the team) is also needed to realise

the sustainable innovation, the business model, the measures (quantitative data

& mathematical models), as well as shared insight and critical thinking

(qualitative data).
The assessment criteria for the task comprise:
1.    Problem or defined need for sustainable innovation (15%)
2.    Benefits and significance of generated ideas (15%)
3.    Idea generation and application of models (20%)
4.    Business case components, concepts and theoretical treatment (20%)
5.    Team formation and contribution (10%)
6.    Written communication and referencing standards (20%)

Assessment-A (i): Business Models (20 Marks; Words: 1500-2000):

The business model generator (worksheet) is one critical component from which to

identify approaches to value creation, key internal and relational resources,

tasks and processes, and value appropriation.
As part of the business model generation process, teams are also required to

select and operationalise mathematical models (see Moodle).
Mathematical models are necessary to test and validate measures that are

integral to submission of parts A & B of the business case.
Mathematical modelling used in the business case must be justified or

Generic & process method outline. Append the completed business model generator

worksheet to Assessment 1.
The assessment criteria for the task comprise:
1.    Content (25%)
2.    Presentation (25%)
3.    Drive (25%)
4.    Conclusion (25%)

Part-B: Business Model (25 Marks; Words: 1500-2000):

Part B of the business case involves teams incorporating stages 3-5 of the

template to finalise the written component for submission to key or principal

Teams are required to demonstrate both scholarly independence and academic

integrity in undertaking stage 3 (strategic assessment of the sustainable

innovation), stage 4 (coordination of project options), and stage 5 (recommended

Further clarification during in-class discussion will depend on the extent to

which teams specify difficulty with conceptual or theoretical content.
Responsibility for structuring, co-ordination, and managing processes to

finalise the business case lies with each team.
Teams are encouraged to work with content beyond Tidd & Bessant (2013) and

Ostervalder & Pigneur (2013).
The use of refereed journal articles, mathematical models (Wolfram alpha), and

business development issues specific to the problem or need expressed in Part 1

must be resolved and confirm the range of stated benefits.
Teams must take charge and deliver a rationale capable of convincing key or

principal stakeholders that a payoff is within reach – for without a

satisfactory set of deliverables – the bid for funding cannot be contemplated.
Assessment Due Date:  Week 12 Thursday (29-Jan-2015) 05:00 PM AEST
Return Date: Exam Week Friday (06-Feb-2015)
Results and feedback uploaded in the course gradebook; results available after
examiners meeting.
Weighting 25%  Min 1500 words
The assessment criteria for the task comprise:
1.    Problem or defined need for sustainable innovation (20%)
2.    Benefits and significance of generated ideas (20%)
3.    Idea generation and application of models (10%)
4.    Business case components, concepts and theoretical treatment (20%)
5.    Team formation and contribution (15%)
6.    Written communication and referencing standards (15%)

Important Notes: please go through below important points:
•    Business case should be taken from Primary industries of Australia or

from any other part. For example the primary industries for Australia are

Mining, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Business Idea should be derived

from the mentioned industries and should be a new idea and must be comprising on

innovation, business development (strategy) and sustainability (e.g. eco-

friendly or green effect). These are the three core areas that must be addressed

in part-A business case. Business case template is also attached.
•    The important document is the business template attached in pdf for

whole work. Assessment-A should covered first two points of the format means

problem identification and innovative solution with benefits whereas

assessment-B should cover points 3, 4, 5 (strategies, impacts and deliverables).

Remember it’s just the format that has to follow but you have to come up with

new business idea addressing the issue and solution.
•    Sample Business model canvas is also attached as picture to follow for

assessment A. You can use any business/mathematical & climate model but it must

satisfies and addressed the above criteria (Content, Presentation, Drive and

Conclusion) supporting the business case (part-A).
•    Lastly, I am uploading my assignment as well that has been commented

from my tutor and he mentioned the mistakes wither you can correct those

mistakes within my present assignment or you can completely change the idea and

present a better idea than this. The Business canvass that I proposed in

assessment A (part-i) should come in Assessment-A worth 30 marks and only

mathematical and climate models will come in part-i of assessment-A.
•    I am also attaching an assignment of my colleague who got very good

marks in the class so that you will have clear picture about the assignment but

it does not cover the assessment-B that you have to write by yourself.
•    Finally, these all are three parts to be done separately with executive

summary, introduction and conclusion etc.

•    References should be taken from articles, books, text book, peer

reviewed journals and articles, electronic journals etc. You must do in-text

referencing because it must not be the bibliography.
•    Use Harvard referencing guide which is also attached.
•    Minimum 12 references for all three sections.

Further please feel free to ask any information and data you need.


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