Posted: September 13th, 2017

Business Intelligence Systems 7156

Business Intelligence Systems 7156

The purpose of this assignment is to continue the proposal to develop a computer-based DSS/BI prototype as an individual project.

Project Overview
In this assignment, each student must construct a DSS/BI prototype based on the proposal.  Students are expected to develop a DSS/BI prototype using any suitable software package, present their ongoing progress in a presentation, and then write a business report in Microsoft Word documenting the development process and discussing identified issues.  The assignment is designed to assess students’ ability to build a DSS/BI for a set problem and to communicate the solution both verbally and in written form.  Examples of suitable software are the spreadsheet package Excel, database application Access, development program Visual Basic .Net, report generator Crystal Reports, SPSS statistical analysis, SAS software, Visual Prolog, VisiRule, or an Expert System Builder and many other.  It will be the responsibility of students to ensure that your marker has the appropriate software to run the prototype DSS/BI for the purposes of assessment.

Criteria for Presentation: 10% and 5-10 minutes in week 10
Each student will be required to present a summary of progress to the class as scheduled around the tutorial.   Power Point or similar presentation software may be used but no more than 3 slides.  Please provide a handout of your presentation to the marker.  The presentation will take somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes and will be discussed afterwards for critical feedback.  Be prepared for questions from other students and from your marker at the end of your presentation.

Presentation structure and clarity
Presentation delivery and communication
Presentation content and resources.  See marking criteria below.
Presentation organisation

Criteria for DSS/BI Prototype: 10% due week 12
The DSS/BI development involves prototyping.  The DSS/BI prototype should be of a realistic size, not trivial, but not too large and complex.  The prototype must be functioning.  Marks will be based also on the appropriateness of the models to the defined problem.

Section    Criteria
Development of DSS/BI prototype.  You must implement your solution using suitable software.     Soft/electronic copy of the DSS/BI solution.  Marks will be awarded for
–    functionality, ease of use, and usability
–    professional appearance
–    impact on stated problem
–    relevance to stated problem
–    innovativeness of solution

Criteria for Business Report: 10% and 1000 words due week 12
Section    Number of Words
Executive Summary    50 words
Introduction    50 words
Background.  Restate the problem and the need for decision support.  Describe the business context as well as the roles and responsibilities of the decision makers.  Explain how the prototype supports decision making.    200 words
User manual. Documentation and screen images  on how to run the DSS/BI solution.    400 words
Evaluation.  Explain the model approach used and the development process. Reflect on the usefulness and limitations of the DSS/BI as well as any management issues identified.     200 words
Concluding remarks.  Provide suggestions for possible improvements, future development and implementation of the prototype at a later date.    100 words
Total    1000
Submission Instructions:
The assignment should be organised using the following guidelines:

•    The assignment report must use 12 point font size minimum and at least single line spacing with appropriate section headings.
•    Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list.
•    Marks will be lost for poor writing, inadequate structure, careless presentation, and if the report exceeds the word limit by more or less than 10% (word count includes executive summary and references).

The assignment must be submitted in soft (electronic) copy on Moodle.
Extensions:    Requests for an extension, accompanied by supporting documentation, must be received by the convenor in writing before the due date else penalties apply for late submission without an approved extension.
Penalties:    Academic misconduct such as cheating and plagiarism may incur penalties ranging from a reduced result to program exclusion.

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