Posted: September 13th, 2017

Business Law: India; child labor

Please read carefully for the paper details, and requirements. The paper should answer the #3 questions in the case, and should meet all 4 requirements listed as the following: For this assignment, you will consider the consequences of acting ethically or unethically. After carefully reading the supplemental ethics materials (Jennings handout), discuss fully the ethical issues related to this case. (1) examine the matter from other perspectives, (2) describe any possible rationalizations, and finally, (3) use at least one of the ethics models to resolve the situation. (4) In addition, please compare your current view of or approach to ethics with the file named BLAW. In this paper, comment on that comparison of your own ethical perspective. All students should also describe at least one instance in which you have encountered ethical dilemmas, e.g. intern, workplace, school project, etc. You will also be graded on grammar, spelling and punctuation. Your paper must be typed (double-spaced, font size 12) and between 500 to 1000 words in length.

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