Posted: August 25th, 2013

Business Law/ with outline

Course Textbook
Cheeseman, H. R. (2013). The legal environment of business and online commerce: Business ethics,e-commerce,regulatory, and international issues (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Research Paper and Research Paper Outline
Your research OUTLINE (not including the contract) should be at least 1500 words and should follow APA format style.
Your outline must include a clear topic sentence and thesis, as well as an outline of your intended paper. You should include at least three sources you plan to use in your research. Your professor will provide feedback on your outline.
Research Paper
In your Research Paper, you should have used a minimum of five academic reference sources to research the paper. You could use your textbook as one of the source. You should use at least one peer-reviewed academic journal as a source.
In addition, you should research and include at least two U.S. Supreme Court decisions in your discussion.
Explain the laws pertaining to employment, including health and safety, unions, discrimination, privacy, and job security.
Discuss how the issue impacts business practice and the costs of operating business organizations. Discuss if the issue has a significant effect on consumers. Include specific examples to illustrate.

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