Posted: September 16th, 2017

business leadership interview

business leadership interview

Order Description

Individual Assignment ( min 2500 words) Business leadership

Guidance for Individual Assignment
Each student will interview a leader of her choice. The goal is to provide you with insights about leadership that cannot be obtained from classroom experience alone. Choose a senior leader in an industry that is personally interesting to you.
While you may find it difficult to find and interview a leader, you will find that most leaders will be honored to be asked about their experiences and will be willing to meet with you. Leaders’ schedules are often tight, and your biggest challenge will be to find free time to meet them. Extensions will not be granted due to last minute scheduling. The leader can work in any type of business, must be at least 3 years as a senior manager in that company.

The aim of the assignment is to study and develop Emirati leaders, their lessons of experiences (LOE), both beneficial to Emirati leaders’ and to the international leaders’ development to know UAE better and work efficiently.

Written Report Requirements

1- Introduction: What It Is and Why It’s Important
What are the leadership challenges or developmental issues this assignment addresses? Give the reader a general view of the topic. Why is it important for the reader to address this issue? (10 points)

2- Lessons of Experiences interviewed ( in story format)
Descript the lessons of experiences in your interview. Three events and nine lessons should be included in this part. (40 points)

3- How to Meet the Challenge or Develop the Skill
This is the how-to part of the assignment, and it’s where you will develop most of your content.

Lay out a developmental plan according the events (20 points)

4- What are organizational challenges to develop this plan (20 points)

5- Conclusion, Wrap It Up
Bring back around to the main point. End with some encouraging words that connect the developmental work they take on to the bigger picture of better leadership and better organizations. (10 points)

6- refrences

Interview Questions addressed

Interview questions that the answe can be used in the 2nd part: lessons of experiences :

In a leader’s career to be successful as he/she is now, the leader has had some memorable experiences/events to make them who they are. Ask the top three events/experiences in their career one by one. And what they have learnt from each event. Before they talk, ask them to think for a while and then answer your interview questions. They could be childhood hardship, a family crisis, a role model, an assignment….

1- What are top three events managers have had in their career?
2- What three lessons have they learnt from each event to be effective leaders?
Interview questions to develop a leader,

3- Have they linked their own events and lessons to develop other leaders?
4- What can the manager/leader do to address these challenges?
5- What are their organizational challenges or developmental issues to develop leaders?
Further follow-up questions if necessary.


The interviews and written report are to be prepared on an individual basis. Unless specified, group work is a violation of academic integrity. It is expected that the content of your written report will reflect your thoughts and analysis rather than the work of others.

All assignments should follow the following rules:

1. All written submissions should be submitted as one hard copy and sent to me digitally in class.
2. Assignments should be typed, 1.5 spacing, on one side only of A4 white paper. Allow a minimum of 25mm (1″) on left, right, top and bottom margins. Hand written submissions, or submissions typed on colored paper will not be accepted. Inferior quality dot-matrix printers and faded, overused printer ribbon should be avoided. Don’t leave your printing for the last moment with excuses such as “printer did not work.”.
3. Assignments should have a separate cover page that should state the title of the project, the name and number of the student, and the name of the professor. There should also be a separate page for table of contents. Copies of all material submitted should be retained by the student.
4. Pages should be numbered, dated and the entire document should be securely stapled in the top left corner. Assignments will not be accepted with each page enclosed in a clear plastic envelope.

5. References
All quotations and references should be properly sourced. Inadequate details of publications and other sources will reduce the assessed grade.

You must use the APA style of referencing with proper use of endnotes and in-text citation.

Internet html address- date retrieved, title of topic, author or sponsor must be included.


Knowledge Based Outcomes:
1.    Understanding of the key issues in managing marketing operations within an organisation
2.    Understanding of the tools and techniques employed by marketing managers in developing and managing their strategies, plans and operations
3.    Understanding of the importance of, and mechanisms for, control and evaluation within marketing management
4.    Understanding key trends in marketing management

Skills Based Outcomes:

1.    Analysis of  information and/or a situation
2.    Problem solving and decision making
3.    Reading, synthesising and reporting of current marketing management topics

You are strongly advised to carefully read all instructions

“The United Kingdom is the second-highest consumer of chocolate in Europe, consuming approximately 11 kilograms per capita. Britain is also a major market for non-chocolate confectionery, accounting for about 23% of consumption across the continent. The industry comprises 390 companies who are expected to produce about £5.8 billion of chocolate and confectionery products in 2014-15.” ibisworld (2014)

UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (UK SIC 2007.
The focus of this assessment is on a brand and/or an organisation from the following UK Standard Classification:
10821 Manufacture of cocoa, and chocolate confectionery

Your Task:
Select an organisation from the aforementioned UK Standard Industrial Classification.  Your chosen organisation must have a presence in the UK (but not necessarily a manufacturing base here) and must be selected on the basis that it is market-orientated.   You are to undertake research into your chosen brand and/or organisation and the sector within which it operates.
Produce an individual report in which you analyse and evaluate the brand’s/organisation’s marketing strategies, activities and practices to demonstrate your reasons for concluding that the organisation is “market-orientated”.  It is expected that you will support your analysis:
•    with evidence (such as, illustrative examples of what the organisation is currently doing, data, relevant citations from referenced sources, etc)
•    by applying relevant marketing tools and techniques to support the analysis
•    by providing a clear insight into the contribution of  marketing to the success of the organisation.

You are advised to pay particular attention to the learning outcomes to ensure that you are satisfying them in your work.

Provide an individual report in which you justify your choice, by means of demonstrating, through the application (not description!) of relevant theory and evidence, how your chosen organisation has adopted the marketing concept and the contribution that this makes to the organisation’s success.  You are expected to address the marketing mix and other relevant marketing practices in your work.


The work submitted for assessment must be original – if there is evidence of any work that is not wholly attributable to you, the University’s policy on Cheating, Collusion and Plagiarism will be applied.

You are required to submit assessed work through Turnitin prior to submitting it in hard copy.

Submit a paper copy of your work along with a Turnitin receipt and a completed Faculty of Business & Law Assessment Coversheet, to the Library Desk, by no later than 2.00pm on Thursday 8th January 2015.  You are strongly advised to ensure that you retain a copy of your work    .

The penalty for non-submission of assessed work through Turnitin is that the mark is withheld, and the assessment board may deem the work to have failed.

You may submit drafts through Turnitin prior to submission to generate reports. The last submission prior to the deadline will be deemed to be the final submission for assessment purposes.


The combined marking criteria and grading framework is provided overleaf

o    The assessment needs to be referenced using the Harvard system of referencing and include a list of references at the end of the assessment
o    The assignment is in one part and counts for 100% of the overall module mark.
o    The University’s Regulations concerning Cheating, Collusion and Plagiarism apply to this assignment

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