Posted: November 16th, 2014

Business Planning/Financial Information

Project description
This regular assignment helps you to convey who the interested parties are in your business plans. It encourages you to think what financial information is most

important to monitor business plans and where to find this information.<br />
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a) Using a table explain who the main financial stakeholders are in a business you are familiar with and what power and impact they have.<br />
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b) What kind of accounting and finance information do you need to monitor this business and where in the main financial statements will you find it? Why is cash and

liquidity important?<br />
<br />
c) With the aid of worked examples and sensitivity analysis show how both breakeven analysis and investment appraisal techniques can help business planning.<br

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Your response should be in the form of a written report of between 1000 – 1500 words.<br />
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Guidance notes:<br />
<br />
Models and concepts of use for this regular assignment include, Stakeholder analysis matrix, Profit and Loss account, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, Cash Budgets,

Breakeven Analysis, Investment Appraisal techniques such as payback, net present value, internal rate of return.<br />
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Better answers will also critique the concepts and models used.<br />
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Click here to view a lecturecast recording which will help you complete Regular Assignment 2.<br />
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The learning outcomes for this assignment are:<br />
?Apply understanding of the inter-relationships of key business functions<br />
?Critically evaluate the value to the firm of proposed investment projects<br />
?Analyse and assess risk and its impact on a business and on managers<br />
?Identify and critique the various methods of funding new projects and investments<br />
?Apply understanding of the impact of ICT skills in formulating a business plan


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