Posted: September 16th, 2017



Project description
This assignment consists of two parts which should both be answered. The marks allocated and the maximum word limit for each element is given below. For both questions you are expected to discuss relevant theoretical material and provide practical examples to illustrate your argument. Answers to both parts should be appropriately referenced.
1.Your brief is to design and develop a project plan to lead MSc students at HUBS on a study tour of the UK automotive industry. You should assume there are 100 students. The manufacturing plants to be visited are located in the towns of Sunderland, Oxford, Dagenham and Solihull. You need to outline clear objectives for the study tour and determine an appropriate budget. You should describe project stakeholders and establish clearly defined project objectives that complement the overall aims of the HUBS MSc degree programmes. You should define and discuss how Statements of Work (SOW), Work Breakdown Structures (WBS), Organisational Breakdown Structures (OBS), risk management, budgeting, resource planning and scheduling each contribute to the project plan. You should show how these interact with each other and are used when managing a projects implementation.
Specific Requirements.
The answer should:
Clearly introduce the essay with defined objectives and stakeholders
Show clear connections between the project objectives and the organisations goals
Contain a detailed project plan
Consider risk, budget and resources
Integrate all the concepts when discussing the implementation of the project.
(1,500 words, 50 marks)
2. Each of the following, large scale, projects can be considered not to have met some of their initial objectives. Choose ONE project:
i.BBC’s 98.4m Digital Media Initiative (DMI), stopped in Autumn 2013.
ii.The Holyrood Project, the building of the Scottish Parliament Building, finally completed in 2004.
iii.SNCF (Societe Nationale des Chemins de fer Francais) / RFF (Reseau Ferre de France) France; Project to introduce new trains; Project name: Regiolis / Regio 2N. Date : May 2014 Cost : In the region of $15B Euro.

Carry out an investigation into the project and identify which aspects failed to meet the initial requirements. Provide a synopsis of the project in an appendix (500 words, outside of word limit). Analyse each stage of the project process and comment on its contribution to the overall failure of the project. Discuss what could have been done differently to have made it more successful, especially with reference to the role of the project manager.
Specific Requirements.
The answer should:
Clearly introduce the essay and the chosen project. The Appendix can contain a fuller synopsis.
Clearly identify which aspects of the project failed and discuss why this happened.
Contain a section on what could have been done differently clearly citing relevant literature.
Thoroughly explore the role of the project manager in the project.

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