Posted: December 7th, 2014



The 2500 Need to be structured as below

Title page which includes your student number, the date, the name of your tutor and the title of the paper.
Introduction Clearly state the aims and purpose of the document and any relevant context to the specific issues you wish to discuss.
Background This section should briefly draw on the work you did for the poster to explain the market segment of you! You may also wish to briefly consider subjective personal introspection as a methodology.

Main body (do not use this as a heading) This is the subjective personal introspection. The precise structure of this part will depend on how you wish to approach the assignment, and you should devise appropriate headings. In this part you should be able to identify and critically evaluate the theory which is most relevant to your position. Conclusions Briefly summarise your conclusions.

Annotated Reference List Within your reference list ensure that you annotate the most relevant authors to your argument and presentation. To that end, you will need to describe in one or two sentences below a selected number of references why the ideas or concepts presented in the work were important in constructing your argument.

• A 2500 word  paper •
• A reflective diary
An annotated bibliography

Things need to go in the paper
1-After you explain what is consumer buying behavior is
2-dentify the segmentation or consumer profile characteristics that best match you as a consumer (impulsive and brand loyal) match me!
In examining segmentation you should use characteristics or tools you feel are appropriate, and you may wish to detail which aspects of existing segmentation
models such as VALS, the ACORN classification or Experian’s MOSAIC profiles you most closely fit.

3. Present what you believe to be the key influences on your buying behaviour
These may be:
• Individual influences
• Group influences
• Marketing or media influences
• Other influences you feel are appropriate.

4. Apply your buying behaviour to selected theory and concepts and critically evaluate in light of this.
In this instance, you are the case study and will be required to select a range of theories that apply to YOUR behaviour. You will be expected to select appropriate theory and critically evaluate both your own behaviour and the models selected.
4. this need to be written BUT not in the paper just recommendation not to include in the main paper Present recommendations to the Marketing Managers of the categories you selected
For the categories or brands you selected, what recommendations would you give to the Marketing Managers? Your recommendations should be based on the most important findings and conclusions you developed in your main report.

You will be expected to develop a poster which allows you to present the areas mentioned above. To support your poster presentation you will need to develop a scoping document in which you will reflect on your own consumption behaviour and relate this to the theory. The annotated bibliography will allow you to identify the most influential authors in your presentation. You will need to decide what images you will use to present the key themes in your response to the brief. In addition, you will be required to provide evidence of a reflective diary describe how this diary helped you shape your work. All of these elements (the presentation, the poster, the scoping document, annotated bibliography and reflective diary) should be centred around a consistent theme throughout.
You will be expected to defend your poster and display a critical understanding of consumer behaviour theory. You should come prepared to answer the following questions:-
The questions
1. Can you explain how you researched material for this assignment?
2. Can you identify the authors, themes and debates relevant to your presentation and explain why they are important to you?
3. In your evaluation, do you believe the literature reflects you as a consumer and can you identify any gaps that exist in this literature?
4. On reflection, do you think subjective personal introspection is a useful research method? Has this research method changed your perception of the existing consumer behaviour literature?


-General info  (evaluate more to make better work also paper document most relate to your poster choose theory link it to you self, choose a dississon making  model and apply it to you self too.)

-6 Reflactive Diary  each one should have 4to5 lines



Nike shoes
polo shirts
lacoste sweater

The assignment –some important points
-What is consumer behavior briefly?
•Segmentation –which one do you sit in? evaluate this and segmentation as an approach
1-Impulse Purchasing
2-brand loyalty
3-i could be (Postmodern’ consumers?too
“…the instability of the preferences of the consumer…it is as I wish and when I wish.
Link to a theory?

•Your influences –what are they for you? Examples are below
Influence and Issues
•Learned behaviours (customs, conventions, etc) •Communicated attitudes, beliefs, values
•Norms and expectations
•Morals and religion
•Can be seen as a subculture
•Group purchasing

•The theory –which elements of consumer behaviour theory reflect your. The CDP model is a good place to start but then focus on what’s important to you

•Marketing recommendations –you need these for your verbal presentation

• Answer The below four questions –
1. Can you explain how you researched material for this assignment?
2. Can you identify the authors, themes and debates relevant to your presentation and explain why they are important to you?
3. In your evaluation, do you believe the literature reflects you as a consumer and can you identify any gaps that exist in this literature?
4. On reflection, do you think subjective personal introspection is a useful research method? Has this research method changed your perception of the existing consumer behaviour literature?

4.Use the competency framework to critically evaluate your own readiness to act as a leader/manager of organisation change                                                          (approx. 30%)


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