Posted: September 16th, 2017

Café D. Pownd Case

Café D. Pownd Case

Order Description

Case Guidelines
1. Restate the case in your own words

a. In 1-2 paragraphs high light the key points (This helps to ensure that you are getting the important points)

2. Problem statement

a. In 1-2 sentences, state what the problem is and what the solution should focus on.

3. Analysis (Quantitative)

a. You can include Excel output for calculations

i. Make them easy to read with adequate documentation

ii. You do not need to include calculations in the body of the paper; place them in an Excel appendix.

4. Analysis (Qualitative)

a. Provide a recommended solution to the situation.

i. Give both pros and cons to the solution

ii. State implementation issue(s)

Every case must have some form of conclusion. Merely answering the questions and not deciding what your recommended course of action is not a complete case. Many times there is no one right answer, so the defense of your answer will determine the suitability of the conclusion, i.e., defend your answer.

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