Posted: September 16th, 2017

Campaign Analysis

Campaign Analysis

Order Description

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of key theories and concepts in the field of communication for social change;

Analyse critically the effectiveness of social change campaigns including the key elements of the campaign supported by examples;

Research sources of information and integrate that research into the essay;

Integrate cross cultural perspectives in their analysis;

Apply use of academic conventions such as the use of appropriate style, correct grammar and citations in written submissions.

Campaign Critique Template

Campaign name

Implementing organisation

Campaign website
(if available)
Overall goal and Objectives
(while you explain the goal, please mention briefly what the background problem is. For example: high HIV rate in the country; frequent human rights abuses; unregulated industry/sector, etc)
Geographical location
(which are the countries where the campaign is implemented?)
Target audience(s)

(advocacy, social marketing, participatory, multi-pronged)
Dissemination channels

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