Posted: September 13th, 2017

Camus’ argument that Sisyphus is the absurd hero

Camus’ argument that Sisyphus is the absurd hero

Here are the prompts:
1. Explain Camus’ argument that Sisyphus is the absurd hero, i.e., what response(s) does Sisyphus have to the absurd that make(s) him the absurd hero? Choose an existentialist thinker from the class who would disagree with Camus about the best response to the meaninglessness of modern life and explain this thinker’s recommended response.  Which view is better? Why? Important: The meat of the paper should be your answer to the italicized question—do not spend too much time on the first part of the prompt.

2.  Explain the development of Meursault’s absurdist crisis through the book.  Then explain in some detail his ultimate response to this crisis in the last few pages of the book.  Does this response really lead Meursault to happiness, as he says?  Why or why not?  Important: The meat of the paper should be your answer to the italicized question—do not spend too much time on the first part of the prompt.

3. Meursault is convicted of his crime, despite the testimony of his friends in his defense.  Explain the reason Meursault is convicted.  Then choose one of his friends, and explain his/her argument in support of Meursault. (These two tasks involve your philosophical analysis of the text—there is more than one right answer.)  Which view is correct?  That is, is Meursault guilty for the reason(s) the townspeople/judge/prosecutor think he is, or is his friend’s view of the situation the right one?  Defend your answer with reasons.  Important: The meat of the paper should be your answer to the italicized question—do not spend too much time on the first part of the prompt.

A suggested format for the essays:

1. introduction

A summary/abstract of your entire paper.  Always a good idea to write this last!

2. explanation of text

Same as in the Kierkegaard paper.

3. explain your question (short)

Explain the question you are answering in the essay enough that the reader can understand why this is a problem.

4. thesis/defense

State your thesis and defend it.

The following two sections are optional:

5. objection (short)

Explain an objection to Part 4.

6. defense against objection

Defend your argument against the objection from Part 5.

The last part is not optional:

7. conclusion

Sum up your paper in order to tie everything together for your reader.


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