Posted: September 18th, 2017

Capstone Project Presentation

My degree is in Organizational Leadership, and the course is Change Analysis Project Capstone




This assignment is to prepare a project presentation to replicate a presentation to relevant stakeholders. The presentation should be able to concisely present the project’s objectives, strategy, analysis, and implications (in other words, summarize concisely the elements of the Capstone project, expressly tailored for a relevant audience.) Below is a copy of the written report I have submitted, please review




Owing to the previous set plans, I have sort to building up of the company from the outlined expectations. I believe the catering business should be set in a flexible manner that will allow for the provision of such services on any occasion. This will require the setting up of a business strategy that will equip the company with the best fit human resources, financial resources, technological and physical resources. The strategy would be based on a market research sweep that would give a forecast of the standards of operation required to beat the competition around (Mattel, 2015). The catering company would require policies and operational guidelines that focus on the development of a unique corporate culture that would attract even more business.


Strategic corporate culture Analysis


The main goal of this catering company is to provide a diversity of culture yet at the same time prove to the society the need for acceptance of people in recovery. The name of the company “Up Lifting Caterers” is already a step towards building that cooperate culture. The cultural diversity is a strategy that would not only be incorporated in the services and target market of the company, but would employ staff who would be motivating each other towards setting aside their different setbacks and moving forward to a common goal. This culture would shape the company’s image to one of societal significance and would be well identified within New York for such reasons. Such a corporate culture would be attractive to the market for its unique multicultural services. Also, the society would feel the need of acquiring the services of Uplifting Caterers because it would show their appreciation and support in fully rehabilitating and accepting previous drug addicts into society.



Marketing Strategy


However despite incorporating employees who are trying to fit back into society it is important to maintain a high quality of services being offered. It would be easier for society to assume that because employees are previous drug addicts, their services are also looked down upon. Despite having such a mentality, I believe the quality of the catering services is what would capture the attention of society. Starting with few but fully satisfied customers is a strategy Uplifting Caterers is willing to employ. I believe in the notion that a satisfied customer would always come back with friends, and that is how a business grows its market.


The marketing strategy would involve technicians in web designing who would set up a website for the business, and it would be marketed and well assimilated into various social media platforms. The executive management would ensure that in every event the company caters there would be circulation of fliers marketing the company.


Actively involving event organizers and following upon the various catering companies would act as a strong marketing strategy. I believe due to the multicultural diversity, Uplifting Catering Company would be able to stand out as a favorable choice for event organizers. On the other hand, a close follow up on fellow catering companies would allow for the realization of current trends in the business. Keeping track of trends in the catering world would allow the company to be flexible to assimilate the new and developing cultures and technology into their enterprise.


Over time, advertising videos and ads would be developed and circulated to TV and radio stations that way it would reach a large number of potential customers every single time it is aired. These advertising strategies would be based on exhibiting the company mission and culture.

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