Posted: September 13th, 2017

Case 3. lululemon athletica, Inc.

Case 3. lululemon athletica, Inc.

Paper details:
Your individual written analysis should answer all of the assigned questions for that case. Students typically do best by sequentially answering each question instead of providing an integrated response. In other words, label and answer each part of the question rather than providing an answer that addresses multiple parts of the question. Your written individual case analysis must have standard 1” margins, and be no longer than 4 single-spaced pages using a 12-point font. You must choose one of the first two case analyses for your individual case analysis (Under Armour or lululemon athletica).

For your individual case, you may not discuss your answers with anyone else, nor may you use content or information prepared by others. It is critical that you do not use any outside data in preparation of the case analysis. You do not need any information or data beyond what is provided within the case to fully answer the questions. Incorporating other content may result in a lower grade for the assignment. If you have questions about what data may or may not be appropriate to use, please contact the instructor.

Since all submitted assignments are checked by Bb for plagiarism, email submissions will not be accepted. SafeAssign may require up to an additional 5-10 minutes to upload and submit, depending on your internet connection speed, so please give yourself ample time to upload it so that it is submitted on time. All case analyses (both Individual and Team) are due by 6:00pm on the due date shown on the course schedule at the end of the syllabus. Any individual or team case analysis submitted after its deadline will be penalized 10% per 12 hours, starting at the original due date and time. A grading rubric will be provided closer to the papers’ due dates.

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