Posted: September 14th, 2017

Case Analysis Rubric: Hoover’s Industry Index (n.d.) describes aspects the TV broadcast and cable networks industry Custom Essay

Hoover’s Industry Index (n.d.) describes aspects the TV broadcast and cable networks industry. This industry has seen acquisitions after federal restrictions were lifted, allowing for more cross-ownership of businesses among the different media (Hoover’s Industry Index, n.d.).

In fact, in 2013, Comcast completed its purchase of media conglomerate NBCUniversal from GE and strengthened its presence in the industry. Hoover’s Industry Index (n.d.) described this industry opportunity as follows: “A variety of digital platforms provides the TV broadcasting industry with new distribution channels and revenue sources.”

Select one of these top U.S. companies competing in this industry, listed below, and complete a more in-depth analysis of its strategy.

1. Once you have selected one of these companies, focus your analysis to discuss how that company has strengthened its generic strategy through complementary strategic moves in this industry. In your analysis of its strategic moves, examine the timing of these moves.

2. Then, discuss this company’s strategies for competing in international markets. How does the company enter foreign markets, complete internationally, and leverage any operations internationally? Can you recommend any additional strategies for international markets?

3. Lastly, discuss the company’s corporate strategy.

Include 6 to 8 double-spaced pages for your analysis.

This assignment must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. Page length requirements: 6–8 pages. Failure to adhere to these requirements of submission will result in the paper not being graded. Refer to this link for viewing and printing Turnitin paper feedback.

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