Posted: September 16th, 2017

Case Study #1

Case Study #1
You will complete a short case study of a business situation.


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You are in a crowded conference room conducting an important business meeting when the ceiling springs a major leak and water falls from the ceiling tiles all over the conference table.  The working papers and electronics are inundated. As the room darkens, everyone rushes into the dry hallway.  No other problems appear to be occurring on your floor—only in your conference room.  Maintenance is on the way.


Required Elements to include in the Short Case Study:


Required Formatting of Short Case Study:

  • This report should be double spaced, in narrative format, 12-point font, and three to four paragraphs in length excluding the title page and reference page;
  • Title page with your name, the course name, the date, and instructor’s name.
  • Include a reference page;
  • This paper is to be written in the third person. There should be no words in the paper such as “I and we;”
  • Use APA formatting for in-text citations and reference page. You are expected to paraphrase and not use quotes. Deductions will be taken when quotes are used and found to be unnecessary.

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