Posted: September 13th, 2017

Case Study( 1) for Paediatrics for Critical Care Paramedics

Case Study( 1) for Paediatrics for Critical Care Paramedics

Question :
You are working as a critical care/intensive care paramedic on the outskirts of a large city. You are

presented with the following patient.

1. Outline in point form your interventions, including all calculations, drugs and equipment used. (WORTH

18 MARKS).

2. State your destination choice – you are 5 minutes from a local hospital OR you are 1 hour from a

tertiary, trauma paediatric centre. (WORTH 2 MARKS).

You are called to a 4 year old child who was trapped in a house fire. Firefighters state she was inside for

at least 15 minutes, and the room was full of thick, acrid smoke, with significant potential for poisonous

gas also.

On arrival, she is receiving oxygen via non-rebreather at 12L/minute.

On examination: Airway – slight expiratory wheeze on auscultation. Speaking short sentences. Breathing

– slight use of some accessory muscles noted. Oxygen saturation levels 98% on supplemental oxygen.

Circulation – tachycardic, strong radial pulse. BP within normal limits. Disability – GCS normal for age.

Exposurenil obvious burns or injury. Black soot noted on face. Dark coloured sputum noted.
Case Study for Paediatrics for Critical Care Paramedics

Question :
You are working as a critical care/intensive care paramedic on the outskirts of a large city.  You are

presented with the following patient.
1. Outline in point form your interventions, including all calculations, drugs and equipment used. (WORTH

18 MARKS).
2. State your destination choice – you are 5 minutes from a local hospital OR you are 1 hour from a

tertiary, trauma paediatric centre.  (WORTH 2 MARKS).
You are called to a 4 year old child who was trapped in a house fire.  Firefighters state she was inside for

at least 15 minutes, and the room was full of thick, acrid smoke, with significant potential for poisonous

gas also.
On arrival, she is receiving  oxygen via non-rebreather at 12L/minute.
On examination:  Airway – slight expiratory wheeze on auscultation.  Speaking short sentences.

Breathing – slight use of some accessory muscles noted. Oxygen saturation levels 98% on supplemental

oxygen. Circulation – tachycardic, strong radial pulse. BP within normal limits. Disability – GCS normal for

age.  Exposurenil obvious burns or injury.  Black soot noted on face.  Dark coloured sputum noted.




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