Posted: September 13th, 2017

Case Study

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements


Part II: Case Study (2000 to 2500 words each) – 20%.
Review the literature about Entrepreneurial Finance throughout the Entrepreneurial Life Cycle process and apply to real life case study; or, Review the literature related to Initial Public Offering (IPO), i.e. ‘initial under-pricing of IPOs’ and ‘long term underperformance of IPOs’ and relate to a real life IPO case study. This will address Learning Outcomes 4, 5, and 6 (Week 9-10).

Individual Coursework Part II – Detailed Instructions

Review, Evaluation & Analysis of a Case study

For this part you can choose ONE of the TWO options below (Please note that you are expected to do both (a) and (b) sections of the selected option):

Option 1

(a) Review the literature and discuss the role of Entrepreneurial Finance throughout the Entrepreneurial Life Cycle process (i.e. the application and adaptation of financial tools, techniques and principles to the planning, funding, operations and valuation of Entrepreneurial Venture) – approx. 1,000 words

(b) Select a real life case and relate its experience to what you learned from the literature about Entrepreneurial Finance throughout the Entrepreneurial Life Cycle process. [Student who also do the Innovation module – note that you may use one of the four cases discussed in that module in weeks 7/8 or another case entirely] – approx. 1,500 words

Note: You need to identify various stages of growth of the selected firm first and then analyse the role of Entrepreneurial Finance in each stage.

Option 2

(a) Review the literature related to Initial Public Offering (IPO), and discuss the ‘initial under-pricing of IPOs’ and ‘long term underperformance of IPOs’ – approx. 1,000 words

(b) Select a company that was floated (listed) on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) at least 3 years ago and analyse its performance with respect to what you learned from the literature about the ‘initial under-pricing of IPOs’ and ‘long term under performance of IPOs’ – approx. 1,500 words.

Note: To gather relevant data, you need to obtain: (i) The PROSPECTUS document prepared by the company before going for floatation. This is different from Annual Report published by the company; and (ii) Use Data stream database (for share prices for individual companies and market indices). Help with the use of Datastream is available in the Library (subject librarian is Sarah Hudson). Detailed guidelines regarding this will be posted in FIN4230 UniHub page in ‘My Learning’.

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