Posted: September 13th, 2017

cASE STUDY;United Cereal: Lora Brill's Eurobrand Challenge

cASE STUDY;United Cereal: Lora Brill’s Eurobrand Challenge

Read the case study, United Cereal: Lora Brill’s Eurobrand Challenge, then compose an essay addressing the following questions: 1. As Lora Brill’s, United Cereal’s European VP, would you authorize Jean-Luc Michel’s request to launch of Healthy Berry C

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Read the case study, United Cereal: Lora Brill’s Eurobrand Challenge, then compose an essay addressing the following questions:

1. As Lora Brill’s, United Cereal’s European VP, would you authorize Jean-Luc Michel’s request to launch of Healthy Berry Crunch in France?

2. What do you think of Brill’s Eurobrand proposals? Should she authorize the launch of Healthy Berry Crunch as the Eurobrand? What concerns do you have? How would you resolve them?

3. How might United Cereal implement your recommendations? What do you think of the Eurobrand Team proposal?

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