Posted: July 30th, 2016

Catching fish is one of the oldest pastimes. (is) Bold A. Preposition C. Verb B. Conjunction D. Adverb

1. Catching fish is one of the oldest pastimes.
(is) Bold
A. Preposition C. Verb
B. Conjunction D. Adverb
2. Thousands of years ago, fish were caught in nets and traps.
(years) Bold
A. Verb C. Interjection
B. Preposition D. Noun
3. Large fish swim swiftly in the sea.
(swiftly) Bold
A. Verb C. Adjective
B. Noun D. Adverb
4. Daedalus and his son Icarus were imprisoned in a great maze.
(Daedalus and his son Icarus) Bold
A. Object of a preposition C. Complete subject
B. Complete predicate D. Independent clause
5. Daedalus and his son Icarus were imprisoned in a great maze.
(were imprisoned) Bold
A. Complete predicate C. Simple predicate
B. Adverb phrase D. Verbal
6. Daedalus and his son Icarus were imprisoned in a great maze.
(in a great maze) Bold
A. Noun clause C. Prepositional clause
B. Gerund phrase D. Prepositional phrase
7. He made Icarus and himself a pair of wings.
(Icarus and himself) Bold
A. Direct object C. Indirect object
B. Simple subject D. Object of preposition
8. Her brother was the teacher, and her sister was the psychiatrist.
A. Simple C. Complex
B. Compound D. Compound complex
9. The office copier is frequently out of order.
A. Simple C. Complex
B. Compound D. Compound complex
10. Although I am sick, I ll still go to work today.
A. Simple C. Complex
B. Compound D. Compound complex

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