
Anthropology of Latin America Film Review

Please read and follow the detailed instructions (in word document)! You MUST first watch the film La Machuca (2004) and write a film review focused on anthropology of Latin America This is a review written for an anthropology course, and should therefore not take the form of a review you might find in the […]

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Date: July 3rd, 2015

read and follow the detailed instructions (in word document)! You MUST first watch the film La Machuca (2004) and write a film review focused on anthropology of Latin America

Please read and follow the detailed instructions (in word document)! You MUST first watch the film La Machuca (2004) and write a film review focused on anthropology of Latin America This is a review written for an anthropology course, and should therefore not take the form of a review you might find in the […]

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Date: July 3rd, 2015

Please write a short “film review” of the film “16 Promises” as if you were A. Rahman. Draw on his research findings to discuss the extent to which the film is best categorized as either a “documentary”, a “propaganda piece”, or a work of “pure fiction”—o

Critical Film Review Prompt: Instructions: Please choose one of the following three prompts to organize a short (approx. 600- 750 word; i.e.2- 3 page) essay. Option 1: Please write a short “film review” of the film “16 Promises” as if you were A. Rahman. Draw on his research findings to discuss the extent to which […]

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Date: July 2nd, 2015

Draw on his research findings to discuss the extent to which the film is best categorized as either a “documentary”, a “propaganda piece”, or a work of “pure fiction”—or some combination thereof

Critical Film Review Prompt: Instructions: Please choose one of the following three prompts to organize a short (approx. 600- 750 word; i.e.2- 3 page) essay. Option 1: Please write a short “film review” of the film “16 Promises” as if you were A. Rahman. Draw on his research findings to discuss the extent to which […]

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Date: July 2nd, 2015

Comparison of two archaeological papers on the Extinction of animals

Comparison of two archaeological papers on the Extinction of animals Introduction The relationship between man and the environment is something that has been in existence from the onset. It can be noted that human beings have always had a relationship with the environment in their quest to survive. In this respect, the relationship has either […]

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Date: June 27th, 2015

about the film

What: An engaged review of the short ethnographic film “Men of Words” (2008) Johanna Haaber Ihle. You should: – include a short synopsis – explain how the film illustrates anthropological theory and methods – say what you learned/ took away from the film. Points available: Maximum 5 points. You will loose point for: inappropriate […]

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Date: June 14th, 2015

Ethnographic Research

Ethnographic Research ;   (Auburn) suburb in New South Wales (Australia)   Word   length: 2,000 – 2,500 words (not including the bibliography)     You are required to conduct   a series of non-intrusive ethnographic observations    in An       ‘ethnic’ community      or         suburb in         the       Sydney            region, and      then     produce           an            analysis            of         these    observations.   You     will      be        […]

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Date: June 1st, 2015

Cultural factors influencing domestic violence in canada

This paper should focus on gender in north American society and how hejemonic masculinity can result in some males not only feeling justified but almost as if they are compelled to act in an aggressive way towards women in order to prove their status as masculine males….. 2) there should be an abstract page. 3) […]

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Date: May 22nd, 2015

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