Educational Theories

Do you worry about the lack of anonymity in the Digital age?

  Yes, I do worry immensely about the lack of anonymity in the digital age. As an active internet user, I care a lot about my privacy and I have genuine reasons to sometimes hide my identity. The protection of anonymity enables me to reduce the social risks associated with discussing unpopular opinions and the […]

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Date: July 1st, 2015

list the characteristics of abused children( physical, emotional and sexual) how might these appear in a classroom environment. how will you be able to recognize these behaviors? how will you address the undesirable behaviors?

list the characteristics of abused children( physical, emotional and sexual) how might these appear in a classroom environment. how will you be able to recognize these behaviors? how will you address the undesirable behaviors?   journal entries should be typed, doubled-spaced, 12 point font. journals are graded on a 5point scale with the following criteria: […]

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Date: July 1st, 2015


Please write a response to this question that is at least 400 words: Topic: The Nature of Research Summarize what you consider to be the key points from ch. 1 of the Gall etal. text. Based on the text, supplemental readings, and presentation for this module/week, what is your understanding of the nature of research? […]

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Date: July 1st, 2015

Issues facing music teacher education in the 21st century

Why you feel it is a critical issue for music education in the 21st century Some thoughts on how music teachers may approach these critical issues. Given the scope and intensity of changes in the music scene, what does it mean to teach music in societies that are increasingly saturated with media, and where globalization […]

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Date: June 30th, 2015

Adult education

Please, develop a research paper using at least three sources (from the last five years). How much pressure do you think adults feel to conform to a pedagogical learning model, rather than to an andragogical model? From what sources does such pressure come? What is the role of instructional designers, teachers and trainers in helping […]

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Date: June 30th, 2015

Assessing learning

Critically analyse the appropriateness of an assessment method used in your teaching environment and identify modifications and / or alternatives in light of your experience and relevant literature. Consider what teaching aims and objectives the assessment is designed to assess, how it is applied and how the results are interpreted and used. You will have […]

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Date: June 27th, 2015

Children with disabilities

      Question 1 Some of the motor delays are: Delays in physical milestone like walking,rolling over, sitting upright. If a child does not walk by 18 months.if a child is not able to hold weights due to stiff limbs or underdeveloped muscle tone or is having difficulties in holding or using cups .if […]

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Date: June 27th, 2015

Curriculum Development

Curriculum Development Introduction Curriculum is a concept that has attracted a lot of discussion in the way it can be appropriately defined. According UNESCO and IIEP (2006), there is no single definition of curriculum. Most of the definitions focus on the syllabi and learning materials. The broader definitions look at curriculum as including other factors […]

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Date: June 27th, 2015

Adolescents and Disengagement from Education

DISENGAGEMENT FROM EDUCATION AMONG ADOLESCENTS Introduction One out of ten teenagers of between sixteen and eighteen years old is either disengaged in education, professional training, or even employment (Verkuyten & Brug 2003). The period between the age of 11 and 17 is characterized by excessive stress. This is the period in which the youths experience […]

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Date: June 27th, 2015

Theory of Knowledge

Theory of Knowledge Introduction The history of knowledge is hard to trace. It is said to be as old as humanity. The search for knowledge has continued through out different phases of mankind. The most features in the mankind’s search for knowledge has been to classify it into numerous categories. The interaction and creative thought […]

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Date: June 27th, 2015

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