Posted: February 14th, 2015

Cause and Effect Essay

Cause and Effect Essay

Order Description

Instructions are attached along with an example essay.

Topic of choice, no more than 660 words and no less than 550.

I loved the compare and contrast essay on drug criminalization that you wrote for me, that is why Im choosing you again.

Same thing goes for this paper, three main points in the thesis (points that will be talked about for each body paragraph) closed out with that greater purpose.

Everybody paragraph needs that last sentence to tie back to its original point in the thesis.

Cause and Effect Assignment Sheet—Outline–Rubric

The topic will be of student choosing; however, it shall be academic in nature in that you develop an educated discussion of an issue and not an item or object. The

purpose of the cause and effect must be clearly shown in the thesis, the body, and the conclusion.

Purpose of essay: The writer will perform a cause and effect analysis. Cause and effect analyses are intended to reveal the reasons why something happened or the

consequences of a particular occurrence.  WHY or WHAT are the keywords! Stay away from HOW.

Issue Choices:  Academic Issues or on any current/enduring issues. For example you could examine social media (cause) and how it has changed aspects of society/people

(effects). Also, we could examine obesity (the effect) and try and determine the reasons (the causes) why it is increasing.

600 words in length.

All MLA rules apply.

Maximum of 3 sources.

Syllabus requirements as stated.

Written in Third Position

WARNING: Choose an aspect on a topic which can be thoroughly explained in this length of essay. If you pick something too big you will leave too many things out in

order for it to be complete.

Introduction: (25pts)

1.      Grabber (7.5 pts) One to two sentences to engage the reader. Avoid naming the topic.

2.      Overview (7.5 pts) One to two sentences to give reader idea about the issue.

3.      Thesis (10 pts) Answer as many of the 5 W’s and H questions. At a MINIMUM, the thesis must clearly give direction as to what you are doing-why you are doing it

and how you are doing it. Where-When-Who are additional aspects that may be applicable as well.

Body: (50)

Ensure each cause or effect paragraph consists of a topic sentence (general idea or focus of paragraph) —the specific support—a sentence that discusses the

relevance to thesis. Begin with the cause and then move to the effects   OR  begin with an effect and then move to its cause.

Cause or Effect 1:  (16.6 pts). Topic sentence. Only primary causes or effects are provided. Provide factual support where appropriate-do not rely solely on opinion.

Relationships between cause and effect are genuine. Principle of order to list causes or effects- chronological-spatial-primary to secondary…etc. Closing sentence.

Cause or Effect 2  (16.6 pts) Topic sentence. Only primary causes or effects are provided. Provide factual support where appropriate-do not rely solely on opinion.

Relationships between cause and effect are genuine. Principle of order to list causes or effects- chronological-spatial-primary to secondary…etc. Closing sentence.

Cause or Effect 3  (16.7 pts) Topic sentence. Only primary causes or effects are provided. Provide factual support where appropriate-do not rely solely on opinion.

Relationships between cause and effect are genuine. Principle of order to list causes or effects- chronological-spatial-primary to secondary…etc. Closing sentence.

Conclusion: (25)

1.      Restate main idea/thesis (8 pts)

2.      Summarize the causes or effects you explained and how they relate to thesis. (8 pts)

3.      Look to future-offer suggestion-bold statement. (9 pts)

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