Posted: September 16th, 2017

Cause and effect paragraph

Cause and effect paragraph

write one concise paragraph in which you use either cause or effect to explore an aspect of that topic. For example, if you are researching a disease, you explore the

causes of the disease. Remember to limit the paragraph topic to an aspect addressable in one paragraph. Often examining both causes and effects in one paragraph proves

difficult, so you may limit your paragraph to either the causes of an event or the effects of an event. Remember to indicate the method of development you chose in the

subject line of your posting.

Unit 6 – Cause and Effect

Unit Overview
Welcome to Unit 6! In this session we review cause and effect as a method of development. Cause and effect allows writers to explore the relationship between events

and either what precipitated them or what occurred as a result of them. This method of development proves uniquely suited to scientific fields of inquiry and applies

to aspects such as recommending preferred methods of treatment, defending the need for future research, or even presenting study results.
With regard to grammar, in this session we will review verb tense.
Your assignments this week will include writing one journal entry related to the readings on cause and effect, completing a grammar quiz related to verb tense, and

crafting one paragraph employing cause and effect as the method of development.
Assignment——Unit 6: Cause or Effect Paragraph
Considering the topic you have chosen for your research project, write one concise paragraphin which you use either cause or effect to explore an aspect of that topic.

For example, if you are researching a disease, you explore the causes of the disease.  Remember to limit the paragraph topic to an aspect addressable in one paragraph.

Often examining both causes and effects in one paragraph proves difficult, so you may limit your paragraph to either the causes of an event or the effects of an event.

Remember to indicate the method of development you chose in the subject line of your posting.  Rubric guideline below..
1.  Does the paragraph have a readily identifiable topic sentence?  Is the topic sentence related to the rest of the paragraph?
2.  Does the paragraph following the guidelines from our readings regarding method of development?
3.  Does the paragraph develop one topic completely?
4.  Does the paragraph contain errors in grammar or mechanics?



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