Posted: September 13th, 2017

Causes and consequences of natural calamities in Iceland


Causes and consequences of natural calamities in Iceland

Iceland has been faced with various kinds of natural calamities. These can be broadly

categorized into the earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and some diseases. This paper analyses the

causes, nature, and the consequences of such natural calamities in the country of Iceland.

Iceland is a country of slightly over one hundred thousands of kilometers square in the

mid Atlantic ridge in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean .(Kozák & Cermák, 2010). The

situation of the country on top of unstable seismic rocks near the ocean exposes it to a variety of

natural calamities. When these calamities occurs, they cause a variety of problems to the people

and structures living in the country. This paper therefore analyses both the historical and current

worst natural calamities which have ever been experienced in the island of Iceland.

Ireland has been faced with various natural calamities since time immemorial (Kozák &

Cermák, 2010). However, the calamities which can be considered here as the biggest or rather

the worst calamities have various ways of classification. Calamities can be classified in terms of

the physical damage it causes, the number of victims involved, whether killed or just injured and

the amount of damage it might cause to assets. In the same vein therefore, earthquakes, volcanic

eruptions and diseases can be considered here as the major natural disasters to have hit the


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