Posted: September 13th, 2017

Ceremonial Speech Outline

Ceremonial Speech Outline

Assignment Overview: This is a formal outline for your 4-5 minute extemporaneous ceremonial speech, in which you are giving a tribute or commemorating an individual from Time Magazines 100: Most Influential People of 2014 list (you may choose from the 2015 list, as well) and share three specific things about this individual that makes them influential/admirable. ? ?You must include 1 oral citations; you may use Time Magazine as the source or you may use an alternative resource.. ?A typed final draft of the outline for each speech must be submitted to me the day your speech is to be given.. ?Outlines should consist of: a full introduction (attention getter, credibility, thesis/ preview statements) main points, supporting details, transitions, full conclusion (summary and closing remarks).. . Objective(s): Compose an outline of the Ceremonial Speech. Assignment Details: This assignment is worth 20 points, and is due no later than Sunday, May 31st at 11:59 PM. Late submissions will not be accepted. Assignment Instructions: Outlines should consist of: A full Introduction, main points, supporting details, transitions, a full Conclusion. See the sample outlines in “course documents” for examples

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