Posted: September 4th, 2015

change in your community or workplace

change in your community or workplace

The academic essay Assignment in this unit will be a written, cohesive argument for a specific change in your community or workplace. The Assignment should take the form of a persuasive essay, in which you will provide reliable evidence from at least four sources to support the argument for change that you are advocating. You will also need to address a counter-argument or misconception about your topic within the essay, as the ability to do so is a key component of a strong argument. Essentially, the essay will reflect what you have learned about writing effectively, using research, and creating a logical argument to influence an audience.

As long as your topic meets the Assignment requirements, there are no specific restrictions on the topic of an argument for change, unless noted otherwise by your instructor.

In accordance with Kaplan University’s plagiarism policy, students must not self-plagiarize by submitting an Assignment for two different grades; therefore, you must not submit a paper for this Assignment that has been graded in whole or in part for another class, whether at Kaplan or another institution. For further insights on self-plagiarism, please review KUWC’s resource, “Self-Plagiarism” (podcast or transcript).

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