Posted: September 16th, 2017

Chapter 12 page469-521- Writing a Research Paper(Between Worlds. Edited by Susan Bachmann and Melinda Barth 7th Edition. Pearson Higher Ed. 2012)

Chapter 12 page469-521- Writing a Research Paper(Between Worlds. Edited by Susan Bachmann and Melinda Barth 7th Edition. Pearson Higher Ed. 2012)

Please compose a well thought out reader’s response for the readings this week. You should make reference to at least 2 readings. Use quotations and paraphrases from the readings to help solidify your claims. Your topic is your choice, but you might want to consider the discussion questions at the end of each reading for ideas. Your responses should always be typed, double-spaced- and between 400-450 words.

Read This:

1.Chapter 12 page469-521- Writing a Research Paper(Between Worlds. Edited by Susan Bachmann and Melinda Barth 7th Edition. Pearson Higher Ed. 2012)

2.Chapter 8 page328-351- Revising an Essay((Between Worlds. Edited by Susan Bachmann and Melinda Barth 7th Edition. Pearson Higher Ed. 2012)

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