Posted: September 13th, 2017

Chapters 1 and 2 of the Invisible Gorilla

Total 340 words, please separate answer
1. Please read Chapters 1 and 2 of the Invisible Gorilla and choose one passage from each chapter that you find interesting and explain its significance to the authors’ purpose for the book. (180 words)

Be sure to read the Chapter on Attention in our book The Invisible Gorilla. Then, please answer the following questions:
2. Regarding Attention: In your own words define attention and then explain how you pay attention to your daily tasks. (80 Words.)
3. The illusion of attention is that we are not aware of distractions. Do you feel that you are at times distracted while driving a car, or distracted while trying to study, or distracted when you are doing other important tasks? Explain what happens to you when you are distracted. (80 Words)

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