Posted: December 4th, 2013


I. Mark 1: 16-20 is a passage explaining the call of the two brothers James and John.
A. Jesus calls both brothers after having called Simon and Andrew to become his disciples. They two brothers did not hesitate and followed him at once leaving their fishing nets.
B. The four disciples accepting the call marks the first event to happen with the start of the ministry . This event follows teaching at the synagogue and entry into Capernaum. In his gospel, St. Luke puts the teaching in Synagogue later after he had put a record of the events that happened as Capernaum and Nazareth.
C. The reason that James and john are not hesitant when it comes following Jesus is explained in the 1st chapter of St. John where John the Baptist is preaching about the coming of the messiah.
D. Jesus wanted both John and James to be ambitious in order to achieve true greatness and have big hearts . The fact that Zebedee was taken from the shores of the Tiberias Lake is what makes his name mean, “the lord has worked grace”.
II. The brothers James and John are mentioned in the raising of Jairus daughter.
A. In Mark, 5:37 and Luke 8:51 faith is seen through the healing of Jairus daughter.
B. John took the main position among the twelve disciples, which is evident on the initiative his mother took one day where she approached Jesus and asked him whether her two sons would be able to sit with him Mt. 20: 20-21.
C. John has a prominent position especially in the Jerusalem church as a Christian supervisor . In Gal 2: 9 Paul considers John as a pillar of the Christian community. John together with Peter goes to the Jerusalem church in order to give strength to the Samaria people as they had already acknowledged the Gospel. They prayed for the people so that they could also get the Holy Spirit Acts 8: 14-15.
III. Conclusion- John son of Zebedee was a man of faith in the teachings of Jesus Christ.
A. The frankness of John when it came to confessing the faith he had in God acts as a warning to Christians to be always ready when it comes to declaring their firm bond to Jesus Christ, whereby they put their faith before other worldly things .
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Outline 2
I. Friendship with the lord
A. John 15; 13-15- the passage asks Christians to follow Jesus Christ and listen to him fully and even go to the extent of living with and like him. Such a relationship is only possible if there is a strong familiarity combined with total trust.
B. John is not brought out as the one who founded the church not to be the communities guide but he is seen as a perpetual wayfarer as well as a faith communicator hoping that people will be saved.
C. The Oriental church refers to John as the theologian, which means a person who is able to speak in divine terms revealing the God’s great power through Jesus Christ his son .
II. A. the devotion John had to saving Christian souls spread all over the Ephesus city and according to ancient tradition, John had worked there for quite a long time.
B. During the 6th century, The Ephesus Emperor at that time who went by the name Justinian ensured that a huge basilica was built as a way to honor John.
III. Conclusion
A. John the son of Zebedee was truly a man of God and did all he could to spread the word about faith in Jesus Christ. It is good that there were people who realized this and went ahead to honor him as a great person of God.
Outline 3
I. God is love and lives in the people who love him
A. John is known to be an apostle and his sole purpose was reflecting Gods love. In Mark 1:17 he turns from a fisher of fish to a fisher of men. In addition to this, he assisted in arranging the last Passover meal that was held by Jesus and his disciples.
B. He became known as the high priest and went ahead to mingle freely with the Jews.
II. A. John also wrote five books, which we read today, in the bible: there are three letters bearing his name, there is the Gospel and lastly the book of revelation . It is often said that if one wants to know more about Gods way, they should study Jesus; but if they want to know about Christ’s love, they should study John.
III. Conclusion
A. John was always full of God’s love and that is why he passionately wrote about the concern he had for others. John 5:3 shows his expression of God’s love where he asks Christians to follow God’s commandments which are not burdensome. He thoroughly understood that God interacted with his people using love and that is why he gave the commandments.
Aust, Jerold. 2013. Profiles of faith: John- An apostle of Godly love. Retrieved on 19th November 2013 from
Charles worth, James H. The Beloved Disciple: Whose Witness Validates the Gospel of John? Valley Forge^ EPA PA: Trinity Press International, 1995
Culpeper, R. Alan. John, the son of Zebedee: the life of a legend. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2000.
Hutchison, John C. “Servant hood: Jesus’ Countercultural Call to Christian Leaders.” Bibliotheca Sacra 166, no. 661 (2009): 53-69.
Parker, Pierson. “John the Son of Zebedee and the Fourth Gospel.” Journal of Biblical Literature 81, no. 1 (1962): 35-43.
Robinson, John AT. “The Destination and Purpose of St. John’s Gospel.” New Testament Studies 6, no. 118 (1959): 101-30.
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