Posted: September 9th, 2015

characteristics of the nervous system


Post 1:::: D3.1 Apply your knowledge of the nervous system Consider the four characteristics of the nervous system discussed in this chapter. Suppose you had to do without one of them. Which would you choose, and what would be the consequences of your decision for your behavior?

Post 2: D3.2 Extra Sensory Perception -sensory perception (ESP) is a term often scoffed at in psychology and wider science: an alleged paranormal or supernatural phenomenon that many believe is best suited to science fiction films. Yet, to the surprise of many academics, a significant body of scientific evidence exists which may suggest otherwise.

How many of you believe that ESP is a legitimate experience?

Who agrees that because science can’t prove that “the sixth sense” exists, then it must not be true?

Who has experienced a situation similar or like ESP?

Who thinks people like Patrick Jane from the series, The Mentalist, is a phony, fake, and scam artist?

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