Posted: September 13th, 2017

Charcter Analysis of Mrs. Peters in Drama/ short story Trifles by susan Glaspell

Charcter Analysis of Mrs. Peters in Drama/ short story Trifles by susan Glaspell

This paper is going to focus on analysis a piece of drama the  was covered in the story. Remember dealing with fiction, you should understand the story as its presented on the page before making any assumptions about deeper looks at the themes. Essay must be MLA format . Thesis need to be in the first paragragh last sentence the primary thread for the essay. 750 – 1000 words and meet all criteria. I can use 2 0r three sources one I need to be from my english comp. 2 by which is The Norton introduction to Literature by Kelley j. Mays which the story “TRIFLES ”  is in on pages 1125-1135.  Don’t SUMMARIZE the play . Be sure to write about specific ,pointed focus in the essay. How and why the elements of the story work the way they do . should be the fundamental question and the approach in the essay should be enough to cover one of those topics. Here are a few question to help from the instructor . Susan Glaspell’s  Trifles is a well known feminist work and its focus relies a great deal on characters that we see most often -the women. Discuss the focus on the female element of that lifestyle. ,and what it meant at that time that the women made the final decision they did.  Describe in detail the symbolism apparent in Glaspell’s TRIFLES . The focus should be on how those symbols affect the understanding of the play as a whole, so keep that context in mind as you prepare.


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