Posted: September 13th, 2017

Childhood Tourette Syndrome

Childhood Tourette Syndrome

Submit a bibliography in APA style of 6 initial sources that you will use to research your topic for your final project presentation. Write annotations for at least two of your resources. Because writing annotations helps you clarify which resources will be most useful to you in your presentation, you might want to write annotations for all of your resources, but make sure you write a minimum of two. Remember, this is an initial list of resources.  As you get deeper into the research, you may find you need additional resources. Include the following:

•    6  sources in APA style
•    Annotations for at least two sources, including:
o    A paragraph that provides a synopsis of the source
o    A paragraph that evaluates the source, including its credibility, relevance, usefulness, and importance to your presentation (i.e., How does it fit into your research? How does it help shape your thesis?)

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