Posted: September 13th, 2017

choose a fictional company and a fictional role this will allow you to focus

choose a fictional company and a fictional role this will allow you to focus

Order Description

It has come to the attention of your general manager [you choose a fictional company and a fictional role this will allow you to focus] that you are studying marketing at Edith Cowan University. She/he studied marketing a number of years ago, is conscious that much has changed and wishes to ‘refresh’ the learning of the management team.
The GM has requested that you do 6 key ARTICLE each addressing a key area of marketing. Although she/he is not overly prescriptive [i.e., you can adapt the following topics] on what should be included in each topic she has provided a ‘suggested’ list of topics:

1 What is the marketing concept and how does a marketing philosophy influence organisational strategy?
2 What is the buyer decision process and how can an understanding of the buyer decision process help our organisation to serve our customers better?
3 What is the total product concept and detail how it can be applied by marketing practitioners to improve each product component?
4 What is internal marketing and how can it be employed to enhance external customer satisfaction?
5 What is the circle of satisfaction and why is satisfaction crucial for long-term survival?
6 What is a marketing audit and how can it assist marketing

The General Manager [GM] has stated that each article should be 2 pages, single-spaced, 11 sized arial narrow font. Where appropriate she/he advised you to include diagrams [which you must create – copying and pasting is banned].

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