Posted: September 14th, 2017

Choose an organisation you are then required to perform a strategic audit of your chosen organisation in order to: identify and describe its current strategic position, and use this analysis to generate 3 key strategic options that you feel your organi

Strategic Management – MOMN069H6


Choose an organisation with which you are familiar,

organisation that is of interest to you.

You are then required to perform a strategic audit of your chosen organisation in order to:
(i) identify and describe its current strategic position, and
(ii) use this analysis to generate 3 key strategic options that you feel your organisation has
the potential to pursue.
The report should address the following questions:
1. Using the current Annual Report and Accounts and/or other relevant sources of information,
evaluate the strategic position of your chosen. Clearly state mission, goals, objectives, core
values, etc. and evaluate these against your ‘experiences’ of the organisation’s strategic
2. What markets does your organisation serve? How are these segmented? What are the main
changes in customer needs and expectations that are likely to occur over the next 3 years?
How well placed is your organisation to address/meet these changes?
3. Carry out an audit of your organisation’s internal environment (SWOT analysis). What do you
consider to be the organisation’s main strengths and weaknesses?
4. Carry out an audit of your organisation’s external environment (SWOT analysis). What are
the key external influences (Political, Economic, Sociological and Technological) on
organisations in the industry in which your chosen company operates? What are the main
drivers of change? What are the main threats and opportunities facing your organisation?
5. Use Porter’s 5-Forces Model to analyse the competitive position of your chosen
organisation. What are the key competitive forces at work? Which forces do you consider to
be the most important to monitor for the future? Why?
6. To what extent can Porter’s Generic (Business Level) Strategies and Ansoff’s (Corporate
Level) Growth Strategies be used to describe the strategies currently being pursued by your
chosen organisation?
7. Use the results of your analyses in 1-6 above to generate a list of the 3 key strategic options
available to your organisation. What issue does the organisation need to address in order to implement these strategic options?

please you can choose any organization of your choice:

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