Posted: February 20th, 2017

Choose a model or theory of helping which is not addressed in the class and get approval for the topic from the faculty member. Make sure that you have chosen a topic on which adequate research and writing is available to support your presentation.

Presentation paper on a Model or Theory of Helping (Week Three)

  • Choose a model or theory of helping which is not addressed in the class and get approval for the topic from the faculty member. Make sure that you have chosen a topic on which adequate research and writing is available to support your presentation.




    • The history of the development of the theory;
    • the beliefs on which it is based;
    • the important contributors or practitioners of the theory;
    • the theory of helping;
    • the relationship between the helper and the client;
    • some techniques or approaches developed;
    • the kinds of problems addressed;
    • the populations on which the techniques are used;
    • multicultural issues in using these approaches; and
    • research findings on the model or theory.


  • Present the Presentation on a Model or Theory of Helping.

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